Saturday, April 5, 2008

Behold the Face of Mamadou


I feel all the more like family and less like a conspicuous piece of furniture. -Though they do lean on me without thinking- and it is lovely! Aissatou even told me Mamadou loves me!

Great night also because:

-took my bike! MORE ON THIS TERRIFYING EXPERIENCE LATER. This is apparently the first time they've let PCT's use their bikes in training as well as live in villages. That's perhaps why there are no frightening statistics yet. But it's still a good thing!

-talked to neene ang e amerik! So lovely to have a phone call and speak english and tug on the home-string.

-had the best conversation with baaba ang e senegaal that I've ever had. This doesn't say much and I still forgot most words, couldn't understand him, and was frightened as if he were Grandmaster George... But we said a few things, such as he is old and cold and I am young (I told him 22 because I couldn't remember how to say 23) and hot (temp-wise!). We also addressed that I am learning more and some other things at which I just nodded. When I got back to out little sitting alcove, everyone laughed at how shaken I looked. They're all kind of scared of him too. It's pretty sad that he demands such respect but everyone just rolls their eyes behind his back. Not that I want to hang out with him anytime soon.

-am totally pals with the neighbor woloff kids next door. We played catch with me on the ground and two of them on their roof. It was a little odd, but no one got hurt!

-After I left a cyber, a guy wanted to give me his bracelet "to remember" him. I turned it down but accepted my 2-hours-for-one discount. I also appreciated that he danced to Bob Marley for me.

some not-so-happy things:

-One girl left today and she was a cool one!

-People are dropping like flies to the sick bay

-On my way home from the cyber, it was dark because I got that exta hour.. Very scary-potential with figures in the shadows and all. One guy followed me so closely I moved my things to my left hand because I've got a better hook with the right. But nothing happened-- he just started talking and I said I couldn't understand him after a bit. We got to the main street and his face looked crest-fallen in the street-light. "Tu ne comprends pas?" he said, "Mais moi, je t'aime. Tu comprends? Moi, je t'aime!" And then he stopped and just stared after me as if we were in that cheesy brazilian soap opera. Hahaha well I think it's the sweetest stalker-creep I've ever had!

The pictures are of my sister Dienabu-- who did the henna-- and me and Mamadou and Amadou. AREN'T THEY SO CUTE!?


Mary Beth said...

Ta famile est tres belle!! I love, love, love those pictures - I can't wait for you to have an entire wall/room/floor devoted to them in your supercool house someday.

heatherness said...

Hooray for pictures!! Your henna looks really cool and all your stories are amazing. Amadou is the most gorgeous, adorable little girl hanging on your shoulder in those pictures! Sooo precious! Tu me manques!! :)

KStones said...

amadou is a girl- hahahaha!