Monday, May 3, 2010

mango tree

our mouths are red-rimmed
with mango rashes but still
we claw at the branches for more
we can't help it-- there's candy
growing in our trees, and we can't
stop until we've licked the last sap
from the webs of our fingers
and are picking at the strings
in our teeth with faces like
abandoned lovers'. we poke with
long bamboo up at the speckled
sky where golden globes hang
out of climbers' reach
making our necks strain and
our dry mouths yearn, oh,
let them fall-- in the cool
protective underskirt of the
tree, beneath which we mass
attending the sermon of
whispering leaves, peeking
from beneath their indiscreet green
at the dusty hot everything else
that is not
a mango tree

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