Thursday, July 15, 2010


It was completely hillariously fullfilling for me, all the women involved, and all passersby who stopped mid-stride or peddel to gape. It was less of a positive experience for Booboo. I took about 100 photos because I figured the actual braids wouldn't last long enough for a great enough part of the world to bear witness. It's our duty to spread joy by sharing her rat-head with the masses. She wanted a mohawk in the middle at first (yet was ademently opposed to extensions that would look "ridiculous") but there was no way the woman would let her walk away from their braiding stand looking like a mad woman (unfinished braids are like insanity badges for women. For men, it's the complete lack of clothing). In the end, we all won, really. Less so for Booboo and her sore scalp.

"Terrifying. I am Darth Vader taking the helmet off... with 4 chins."
--Booboo's reaction to a photo of her scary white-girl braids

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...


I cannot thank you enough for a) making this happen and b) documenting it. Sorry BooBoo.