Sunday, August 30, 2009

To Cure a Foul Mood in Pellel Kendessa

1. Leave Pellel Kendessa
2. Enthusiastically un-fast with a Ture's omelette sandwich and milky coffee in Dindefello
3. Make the market ladies giggle
4. Tell all the fasting food vendors that they're either very strong or very crazy
5. Pet the 2 domesticated monkeys and avoid watching abuse
6. Steer clear of the campement sai-sai's, as good as a beer would be... not worth it!
7. Walk to waterfall, through gorgeous viney jungle bits
8. Upon arrival, crane neck and admit it actually is a cooler waterfall that you give it credit for (even if yours is better, at least this one has a path)
9. Sigh in relief to be in sweet sweet solitude-- no villagers OR tourists!
10. Prop up on Throne Stone and contemplate waterfall. Decide it could be a gutter drain from Heaven. Holy refuse. Notice how drops of water seem to hand suspended and distinguishable after last drop-off before careening in down-arrow shapes, looking like diving angels. Imagine that this is how guardian angels get delivered and decide to stick your toes in the water in case that's how to pick one up.
11. Realize that you really are along and no one else will come. FREEEEEDOMMMMM!
12. Besides taking off clothes, for which it's a bit chilly as you're next to the fall's mists, there's really only one way to celebrate your solitary situation. Sing like you haven't sung since a shower in America. It's like a really big shower, so raise your singing volume proportionately. Feel like a waterfall diva goddess. Wail "Wicked" songs at the water, christmas carols at the opportunist waterfront property trees, "Amazing Grace" at the sky, classic rock to the forest. Oh how you rock.
13. Picnic on tuna sandwich, also from Ture's sandwich stand.
14. Shiver. In SENEGAL!
15. Sing Beach Boys, Mariah, and Rent on the walk back. Even as you pass people going to different parts of the river to wash their clothes. Assume you're probably brightening their days with a crazy-toubab-sighting.
16. Charge phone and get texts. Phone service and electricity are also nice things...
17. Turn a crying toubab-a-phobe baby into one that giggles every time you smile at him
18. Buy lots of breaking-fast foods for the family and bask in adoring appreciation once you deliver it
19. Go to bed while you're ahead.

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