Saturday, February 20, 2010

Poo Party

Making 50 latrines happen in the village didn't sound like a hard thing. It's a pretty common project. I didn't know that it would take FOREVER and literally make me a stalker. (It's hard to explain to anyone who's not here, but basically if you want to get anyone to do their job here, you have to call them non-stop and stop by every single day. Nothing will ever happen otherwise. It was hard for me to do at first because I really would have a restraining order against me if I acted like this in the states. But we got our materials and transportation in the end! Yay for stalking!)

My counterpart, Daby, digging his douche-hole. I don't think I would have been able to do this project if he and my dad weren't so great at yelling at people to dig their holes and pay already! And they kept great records (I think... I don't read arabic...)
Probably my favorite part about the project was that I named a "Commite de Douche" complete with a President Douche and all. It was fun to write meetings on the calendar.

Now we can stop pooing right outside the kitchen hut!
Aren't they beautiful?

Pictures of my diarrhea/ latrine use causerie to come (aka Poo Party/ Fete Fecale)...


heatherness said...

Today my students and I discussed how Hawa and Fatou saw toilets for the first time in Dakar and this led to another discussion about how/where people in your village go to the bathroom. These pictures will help them with this understanding! :)

Mum said...

This is great. Well done you, baaba, Daby, and especially President Douche!

Cynthia said...

Awesome, a raised area for seating??!? These are very classy latrines ;)
Good job!