Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Milking It

Just as I was thinking how nice it was that silly US taboos don't exist here... my feelings changed. Specifically, I was thinking of breasts which are always out there for all to see, and represent proud motherhood rather than shameful sex. Little Saliu was petting me as per usual and when he happened to brush my breast in passing, I thought how nice it was that that could just happen without shame or awkwardness or a meeting with the parents. Then he sweetly told me he liked my breast. He said this in the same way he tells me he likes my hair (head or leg). This felt weird. Not as weird as when he and Boobacar then suddenly proceeded to pretend to be suckling babies. I had to push them off and squeal that I wasn't their mother and, "No milk here!" I guess I'm still American.

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