Saturday, May 10, 2008


After the bumpiest, sweatiest, cramped ride ever, we rolled through a gate with the Peace Corps emblem on it. We groaned out of the car and the current PCV's rolled out of the woodwork, spilling from hammocks and away from giant homemade food driers. Contrasting starkly from us, they looked relaxed, comfortable, tan, sturdy. If there were a cliché Peace Corps uniform, these guys were wearing it. Facial scruff, various states of dreads, hemp necklaces, and shirtless lean bodies. Not a bad uniform if you ask me, but good luck telling them apart. They act the part too, which means they're Really Cool. They reminded me of the co-op/outdoor coaltion/ frisbee team guys at Hamilton (dark-siders, obviously).

The house is sweet- a bunch of huts, a great library, an old kayak converted into flower pots, the hot kitchen in which everyone hangs out and then asks, "Why do we always hang out in the hot kitchen?", a bunch of hammocks, and bean sandwiches down the street. Or, if you prefer warthog sandwiches, take your bike and go to the hotel that has a REAL ACTUAL POOL and rich ugly french business men.

Kedegou is also awesome because it is green and has waterfalls. We bathed in one 200? ft up and it was slightly scary, but more awesome. (Girls were seperate from boys... MB-- skinny-dipping in a volcano is still cooler but this came close! I even shaved my legs! Had to take advantage of the water while I had it. Once the rainy season starts, Pellel will have a waterfall too and it will be good.

Now a disclaimer for visiters because I'm making it sound so good. I want everyone to come, but hard-coreness is required. It's HOT, you probably won't like the food, and the trip will suck the will to live out of you. (-Although there is an airport in Kedegou so you won't have to make the 15 hour drive I did... I use the term "drive" which would imply "roads" VERY loosely.) Now that probably doesn't sound to inviting, but you only need a fraction of my hardcoreness of 27 months to visit. Don't be a baby. And if you don't come, you'll never understand... Did I guilt you into it yet?

If you're still not visiting, then you are obligated to send me amazing packages. Power bars needed. Will post full wish-list some time...

1 comment:

Ryan Lindsay Bartz said...

dude...that bus ride is hardcore. i can't imagine. but i'm ready to visit and test my ability to deal with the HEAT. save a bean sandwich for me