Tuesday, May 27, 2008

This ain't no Macdo

You know how those landing cards when you re-enter the US ask if you've been in any proximity to livestock or farm animals? Yeah, that's funny.

Some observations of the animals I'm practically sitting on top of:
-our chickens appear to be panting
-roosters extend their necks about 3 times as long when they crow (which, by the way, is all the time, probably least of all dawn)
-a filly goat trying to scurry under his mum to nurse is really funny
-real goats sound like humans immitating goats
-donkeys sound like they're getting it on, but look like they're sneezing/crying/laughing
-black goats look like the devil

Even with all these animals around, there is a surprising lack of animals products. It's pretty easy to stay vegetarian since it's cheaper, but since I don't feel particularly healthy at this point, I can't say for sure it will last. But of all the places for it not to, this is it. The animals are truly free range (in my room, for example) and I don't feel any worse for their qualities of life than I do my own. (Read what you will from that.)

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