Thursday, May 1, 2008

I am bathed going to now

corps of peace

gorkos coming up on the rire

BAT-iment under which I wash clothes
these are just for my mum and Petie. "Remember the bats!"
A table of nalgenes is a table of toubabs
Ciel-ing of Pamanda's
Brittany is back in the states, but we still love her

"Disco Hut" ka centre
My roomie in Philly... not as sweet as she appears... ;o)
Disco Hut encore


-Package from Mrs. B. I would say it didn't even matter what was inside but it was BEAUTIFUL with DELICIOUS american junkfood and a WHOLE gorgeous bottle of shampoo and even a fishy kid game! And more. SO BEAUTIFUL. AND COMICS. I had the package guy open it for me because I was too excited and got him excited too. First we saw the chocolate melted bunny puddle. Maybe this doesn't sound appetizing from the US, but we were GIDDY. I let everyone in the office take a finger dip. Then I had language and we did passive voice verbs. We kept using the example, "K was sent a package. Was he sent a package? No, but K was sent a package today." It was a great boost for me, but don't worry about the others-- I shared!

-Kids- Khady, Mamadou, Binta, and Aliou played in my room. Uno for the girls, and I tried to teach the boys how to make card castles. Everyone seemed more impressed with that than anyhting else I have ever done. And these are people who get really excited when I correctly say, "I'm going to bathe."

-asked sisters why there is a rusty dead bike in our tree and they acted like they had never noticed. Let me explain again how our whole yard is this tree and we do everything beneath it. They finally said our dad put it there but they don't know why.


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