Monday, May 26, 2008

A Brush With Ocean


Me: Ahhhgh! (spider creature of giganticness scuttles from shelf)
Mariama (my local counter-part, from a chair a safe distance away as she watched me unpack): Eee! Blah blah blah blah blah!
Me: Huh?
Mariama: (pointing to creature) Blah blah blah etc!!!!
Me: (pointing to creature) ...bad?
Mariama: Yes! Blah blah etc (pinches skin)
Me: Bad... to eat... I?
Mariama: Hahaha yes
Me: Uhh.. it hurts? or... ocean? ("ocean" sounds a lot like "death", leave me alone)
Mariama: Yes, it can kill you
Me: Ocean?! Ahh! (looks aound and at creature in bewilderment)
Mariama: Get a stick and kill it
Me: Huh? Oh, stick! Yes, stick. Me to find. Aha, stick! Uh.. children need to going? (children were spreading chicken poo on my floor right below) ... Because... to eat... children?
Mariama: Kill it blah blah blah etc!
Me: Uh?
Mariama: (finally gets up, grabs stick, and faces creature) Oh, no, never mind, that kind doesn't do anything
Me: What?!

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